Joseph Stiglitz és un economista d’aquells que no només saben molta economia, sinó que a més la saben explicar. És l’autor d’alguns dels llibres que he fet servir durant la carrera, especialment el dedicat a Polítiques Públiques, en contraposició al totpoderós Mankiw, que em van fer comprar a primer i no em va acabar de convèncer. Stiglitz va ser guardonat amb el Premi Nobel d’Economia el 2001, fet que el marca com un dels economistes més importants de l’actualitat. Actualment és professor de la Universitat de Columbia on, per cert, no es porta gaire bé amb l’amic Sala i Martín.
Stiglitz va ser l’economista en cap (el càrrec més alt) del Banc Mundial durant 3 anys, abans de que el Secretari del Tresor d’EUA el forcès a dimitir. Aquesta experiència li va permetre veure el funcionament real de l’economia on el BM i el FMI dicten les normes a seguir, guiats per la voluntat i els interessos dels Estats Units. Des de llavors ha escrit molt sobre economia crítica i ha publicat diversos llibres, com ara El malestar de la globalización o el Cómo hacer que funcione la globalización.
El desembre de 2002 va escriure un gran article titulat “There is no invisible hand” en referència a la gairebé màgica regulació automàtica del mercat. Si bé no és un dels seus articles més treballats, al meu parer és un dels indispensables. Tracta el tema de l’economia com a ciència en general, sense centrar-se ben bé en res. És per això que m’he molestat en fer un petit resum del més important :
"Kahneman, a psycologist, has demostrated how individuals systematically behave in ways less rational than orthodox economist believe they do. (...) Not only individuals sometimes act differently than standard economic theories predict, but that they do so regularly, systematically. (...) Much of the mania that led to the bubble economy was based on exploiting investor psychology."
"In fact, this irrationality is no news to the economics profession either. John Maynard Keynes long ago described the stock market as based not on rational individuals struggling to uncover market fundamentals, but as a beauty contest in wich the winner is the one who guesses best what the judges will say."
"I celebrate the critique of simplistic market economics, specially those who emphasised that different market participants have different (and imperfect) information, and these asymmetries in information have a profound impact on how an economy functions. (...) Those who work day after day in the market make their fortunes by taking advantage of and overcoming asymmetries in information."
"Last year's laureates implidad that markets were not, in general, efficient. Adam Smith's invisible hand is invisible, at least in part, because it is not there. (...) Is the triumph of ideology over science."
"Among the more amusing results that have come out of experimental economics are those concerning altruism and selfishness. it appears that experimental subjects ara not as selfish as economists have hypothesised, except for one group - the economist themselves."
"Is it because economics as a discipline attracts individuals who are, by nature, more selfish, or is it because economics helps shape individuals, making them more selfish? The answer, almost certainly, is a little bit of both."
"The Nobel Prize signifies how important it is to study people and economics as they are, not as we want them to be."
Si algú vol llegir l’article sencer publicat a The Guardian, el pot trobar aquí.

El desembre de 2002 va escriure un gran article titulat “There is no invisible hand” en referència a la gairebé màgica regulació automàtica del mercat. Si bé no és un dels seus articles més treballats, al meu parer és un dels indispensables. Tracta el tema de l’economia com a ciència en general, sense centrar-se ben bé en res. És per això que m’he molestat en fer un petit resum del més important :
"Kahneman, a psycologist, has demostrated how individuals systematically behave in ways less rational than orthodox economist believe they do. (...) Not only individuals sometimes act differently than standard economic theories predict, but that they do so regularly, systematically. (...) Much of the mania that led to the bubble economy was based on exploiting investor psychology."
"In fact, this irrationality is no news to the economics profession either. John Maynard Keynes long ago described the stock market as based not on rational individuals struggling to uncover market fundamentals, but as a beauty contest in wich the winner is the one who guesses best what the judges will say."
"I celebrate the critique of simplistic market economics, specially those who emphasised that different market participants have different (and imperfect) information, and these asymmetries in information have a profound impact on how an economy functions. (...) Those who work day after day in the market make their fortunes by taking advantage of and overcoming asymmetries in information."
"Last year's laureates implidad that markets were not, in general, efficient. Adam Smith's invisible hand is invisible, at least in part, because it is not there. (...) Is the triumph of ideology over science."
"Among the more amusing results that have come out of experimental economics are those concerning altruism and selfishness. it appears that experimental subjects ara not as selfish as economists have hypothesised, except for one group - the economist themselves."
"Is it because economics as a discipline attracts individuals who are, by nature, more selfish, or is it because economics helps shape individuals, making them more selfish? The answer, almost certainly, is a little bit of both."
"The Nobel Prize signifies how important it is to study people and economics as they are, not as we want them to be."
Si algú vol llegir l’article sencer publicat a The Guardian, el pot trobar aquí.
3 comentaris:
M'ho he mirat pel damunt i potser m'equivoco però sembla que no sigui contrari a una intervenció de l'estat en l'economia. Si és així, si creu que no tot pot autoregular-se ni ser equilibrat per si sol sense algú que ho compensi, no m'estranya que no s'avingui amb en Sala i Martín
Efectivament, el que ve a dir en aquest article és que l'home no és tan racional com se'ns pretèn fer creure en Economia, que la informació és profundament imperfecta, que no tothom es mou per interessos particulars (o no tot el temps) i que la intervenció de l'Estat és més necessària del que ens diuen els neoliberals.
Carlos!! deixat de mamonades am angles i tradueix l'article d'una vegada que sino no se que diu Stiglitz.
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